SpongeBob SquarePants with orglamix, Little Ondine, and Strawesome

Top 5 Conscious Products from Small Businesses

Do you ever roll your eyes when you hear the words “organic,” “nontoxic,” and even “small businesses?” Well, these buzzwords are making positive changes for us! I’m sharing 5 positive products you should know about that might just be organic or nontoxic, and created by small businesses! We might pay a little more for these items, but we’re getting better quality products. Keep in mind, these small businesses are on…Continue reading Top 5 Conscious Products from Small Businesses

Nontoxic Laundry Detergent Free and Clear

Bye-Bye Tide: Safe, Nontoxic Laundry Detergent

A few months ago, Tide warned parents its laundry detergent is NOT safe for children in a lighthearted, trusting commercial way. As a longtime Tide laundry detergent consumer, loving its April Fresh scent in all its glory, I wanted to learn more. Children swallowed Tide Pods, mistaking it for candy in its colorful wrappers. Teens even held contests to eat the pods, some dying from the toxic chemicals in the…Continue reading Bye-Bye Tide: Safe, Nontoxic Laundry Detergent