Last Friday Night Laundry Lady

Last Friday Night: Tale from the Laundry Lady

I had a pretty INSANE Friday night. I finished four hours worth of laundry, cleaned my bathroom, changed my sheets, hand-washed special clothes, and cleaned my room. How did I manage to do all of that you might ask? Time management.

I didn’t have any plans, so I made a productive plan. I realized laundry is mostly a lazy activity. We can throw in the clothes with some detergent and let it do its thang while we watch half a season of Friends.

The nitty gritty comes in with the following:

  • Sorting clothes by type, I.e. Towels, regular clothes, gym clothes, bedding, and “nice” clothes that need special care
  • Choosing the right settings (cold water, low rinse speed, delicates)
  • Hanging up items that you don’t want to shrink in the drier
  • Laying out other items to dry
  • Folding clothes and putting them away

Making a list is important in time management. It helps us see the tasks we have right now, what is ahead, and it gives us an idea of when we can complete all the tasks.

Laundry can run in the background while we take care of everything else in our lives. I timed it so that I washed the comforter and the sheets first. These take a little longer to wash and dry, and I didn’t want to worry about that mumbo jumbo at 11 o’clock at night! I had fresh sheets by 8:30 p.m. 

Then I threw in the towels (next longest item to dry), then the regular clothes, then my professional clothes, which would require no drier time since I just hang them up to dry. That always reminds of the Cold War Kids song

While all of this was happening, I cleaned my bathroom and my bedroom. A little multitasking with little effort! 

By the end of the night, I was craving something else to do. I usually read a little bit, but I watched a few music videos instead for inspiration. So I wrote a blog post (separate from this one), and then I felt inspired to write this post!

This helps me babble a little while -hopefully- helping you a little.

The laundry is not the point.

It’s all about the organization. It felt good to rest my head on a clean pillowcase at the end of the night, knowing I laid out a plan and made it happen, even on a caraaazy Friday night.

~Twentysomething Vision

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